Vimeo Record: record the screen and webcam

Vimeo Record is a free tool that allows you to record your computer screen along with your webcam and microphone to create short tutorials or presentations.

record screen and camera with vimeo

Juanma Aranda

One of the tools I use the most to support my clients is Vimeo Record, a free resource with which I can record my computer screen, my webcam and my microphone quickly to share with them and solve their doubts.

What is Vimeo Record?

This is a extension free for Google Chromecreated by Vimeo, which allows you to real-time recording three very important elements in online video training: the computer screen, the webcam and the microphone.

In this way, Vimeo Record allows you to record in a very simple way quick tutorials (that do not require video editing) so that you can share them or send them by email, especially to give support or explain something very specific.

Unlike other similar tools, Vimeo Record allows you to make unlimited recordings, with a maximum duration of 2 hours each.

Control comments

Another of the qualities that make Vimeo Record indispensable is that you can have total control over the comments that users can leave when viewing the video, receiving a notification every time someone does so and being able to respond to them.

Protect your recordings

Another of the utilities that you can give to Vimeo Record is the collaboration between the members of your team, so the option of organizing in folders that this tool allows you to do is very useful.

After that, you only have to assign permissions to each folder according to your preferences. This way you make sure that the videos contained in it will be visible only to the people you choose.


Vimeo Record is a free extension for Google Chrome that allows you to record and share short tutorials or presentations, without hassle.

Have you tried Vimeo Record? What other tools do you use to record your training videos quickly?

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