Make direct in Linkedin

To do live video on Linkedin, you must be authorized on Linkedin Live Video. Here are the steps to apply for it.

broadcast live on youtube

Juanma Aranda

Currently, most social networks allow you to make direct messages, although each one has its own particularities. In the case of Linkedin, in addition, you need to have their authorization to do so.

Manual request to Linkedin Live Video

Although right now they are trying to automate everything and are continually changing procedures, in order to do direct on Linkedin, you can. request access manually to the Linkedin Live Video program by filling out this form form. To be considered for inclusion, you must meet certain criteria:

  • Profiles and/or pages with more than 150 followers and/or contacts can apply.
  • Have original content published on their Linkedin profile (images, videos, articles).
  • Abide by Linkedin's policies for the professional community.
  • Not available for mainland China profiles/pages.


Once you have submitted the form, you will receive a confirmation email and you will have to wait for Linkedin's response. If after 30 days, you have not received a response, you can consider it rejected and you will have to reapply again.

Submitting the form and complying with the requirements DOES NOT IMPLEMENT the authorization obligation.

Automatic request to Linkedin Live Video

If you are sure that you meet all the criteria I have explained above, you can speed up the process and make a automatic application in one of these ways:

Option 1: Create an event

Create an event on your Linkedin profile and, in the "Event Format" dropdown select "Linkedin Live Video".

image 1

Option 2: Use a third-party broadcasting tool

If you are going to make a direct link on Linkedin through StreamYardSocialLive, Switcher Studio, Restream, Wirecast or Vimeo, you can also make the request automatically by following these steps (if you choose this option, you do not need to create the event manually in Linkedin as explained in option 1):

  1. Log in to your third-party streaming tool.
  2. When prompted, connect your Linkedin account by entering your credentials.
  3. Review the security clearance and, if you want to continue, choose Allow.
  4. Follow the instructions to complete the process.
  5. You will be notified immediately whether or not you are approved for LinkedIn Live access.
  6. If you are approved, follow the steps to set up your live stream.
live streaming on linkedin with streamyard

Option 3: Activate creator mode

The other alternative is to activate in your profile the "Creators mode"if you have it available in your profile.

When accessing it, the Linkedin Live Video option should appear as "Available".

tools for creators linkedin live

Configuring the Linkedin Live Video encoder

If you're going to do direct on Linkedin using tools that involve manual configuration, such as. OBSIf the encoder is set to "ON", you will need to adjust the encoder according to the following parameters:

linkedin live encoder

Broadcasting using a customized transmission (RTMP)

If you have the necessary knowledge and have decided to use manual configuration tools, such as OBS, you must also know the server and the broadcast key to place them in the streaming client.

Destination configuration in OBS

To get this data, you must go to the configuration of your Linkedin broadcast and follow all the instructions on the screen.

If you have previously scheduled the event, as explained in option 1, simply select it from the left menu.

If you have not done the programming before, you can do it now from this same screen, by choosing the "New transmission" option in the left menu.


Start Direct from OBS

If you decided to broadcast from third-party broadcasting tools, the broadcast starts automatically as soon as you click on the "Go Live" button in the chosen tool.

However, OBS will not automatically start your live feedbut you have to do it manually.

To do this, once OBS is sending data to LinkedIn, you must go to your transmission management page and select the event in your listing.

Once inside the event in question, you should see a preview of the image you are receiving from your OBS.

If everything is correct, all you have to do is click on the blue "start transmission" button that will appear on the top right.

Please note that this button will only be active from 15 minutes before the scheduled start time. And it will be active until 2 hours after the programmed broadcast time.

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  • Responsible for the dataJuanma Aranda
  • Purpose: moderation of comments
  • Legitimation: your express consent
  • AddresseeJuanma Aranda (will not be transferred to third parties)
  • Rightsaccess, rectification, portability and deletion of data


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