How to schedule a streaming on YouTube, step by step

Learn how to schedule a YouTube stream step by step in this article. Connect with your audience in real time and provide them with valuable content.

how to schedule a streaming on youtube

Juanma Aranda

If you're a content creator on YouTube, you're probably already familiar with the live streaming option. Live streams are a great way to connect with your followers and offer them content in real time. In this article, I'll show you how to schedule a YouTube stream, step by step.

Before you begin

Before you start scheduling your YouTube streaming, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Check if you meet the requirements

To schedule a streaming on YouTube, you need to meet certain requirements. You must have a verified accountThe company has not had any live streaming restrictions in the last 90 days, and has a good reputation on YouTube.

Prepare your equipment

Make sure you have all the equipment you need for your live broadcast. You will need a camera, a microphonea good live streaming software and a stable internet connection.

Choose the right moment

It is important to choose the right time for your live broadcast. Be sure to choose a schedule that is convenient for your audience and allows you to connect with your followers around the world.

How to schedule a streaming on YouTube

Once you have met the requirements and have prepared your equipment, it's time to schedule your YouTube stream. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the YouTube studio

Open the YouTube studio and log in to your account.

Step 2: Select the option "Live Streaming".

In the menu on the left side, select the "Live Streaming" option.

Step 3: Set up live streaming

On the "Live Broadcast" page, set up the broadcast. You must add the stream title, description and category. You can also choose whether the broadcast will be public or private.

Step 4: Choose the date and time of the transmission

In the "Schedule" section, choose the date and time of your live broadcast. Be sure to check the correct time zone to avoid confusion.

Step 5: Select the option "Schedule Transmission".

Once you have set everything up, select the "Schedule Broadcast" option to save the information and schedule your live broadcast.

Step 6: Share your live broadcast

Once you've scheduled your live broadcast, it's time to share it with your audience. Share the link to your live broadcast on your social networks and YouTube channel so your followers can know when the broadcast will be on.

Tips for a successful live broadcast

Once you've scheduled your live broadcast, it's important to make it a success. Follow these tips to make it happen:

Practice before the live transmission

Before you go live, be sure to practice beforehand. Do sound and video tests to make sure everything is working properly.

Interact with your audience

During the live broadcast, interact with your audience. Answer questions, comment on the topics you are talking about and make sure your audience feels involved in the broadcast.

Maintain a good internet connection

Internet connection is crucial for a successful live broadcast. Make sure you have a good internet connection to avoid interruptions or delays in the broadcast.

Offers quality content

Offers quality content your audience during the live broadcast. Prepare a script or a list of topics to discuss to make sure your broadcast is interesting and relevant to your audience.


Scheduling a YouTube stream is a great way to connect with your followers and offer them real-time content. Follow the steps we've provided and make sure you have a successful live stream. With practice, you'll be able to deliver high-quality live streams and build a loyal audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the requirements for scheduling a live stream on YouTube?

To schedule a live stream on YouTube, you need to have a verified account, not have had any live streaming restrictions in the last 90 days and have a good reputation on YouTube.

What equipment do I need to do a live broadcast on YouTube?

You will need a camera, a microphone, good live streaming software and a stable internet connection.

How can I interact with my audience during the live broadcast?

You can interact with your audience by answering questions, commenting on the topics you are talking about and making sure your audience feels involved in the broadcast.

How can I promote my live broadcast on YouTube?

You can promote your live broadcast by sharing the link on your social networks and YouTube channel.

What should I do if I have technical problems during the live broadcast?

If you have technical problems during the live broadcast, stop the broadcast and troubleshoot the problems before continuing. Make sure you have a good internet connection and that all your equipment is working properly.

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