Broadcast to Instagram from Melonapp

Learn how to broadcast to Instagram from the Melon App, and increase the professionalism of your live broadcast, by following these steps

Broadcast to Instagram from Melonapp

Juanma Aranda

The quality of live broadcasts on Instagram from your cell phone depends 100% on its features (front camera, microphone...). You can also not share your screen, play music in the background, interview people who do not have an Instagram account...

Broadcasting from Melon App to Instagram in vertical format will allow you to professionalize your live broadcasts on this social network.

Broadcast to Instagram from a computer

The first thing to remember is that Instagram does NOT allow other platforms to connect to their API "officially". This way they force you to have to use their own App to make live broadcasts.

So, in order to broadcast from a computer to Instagram you will need to use a program that sends the live signal from your computer to Instagram's servers.

Why use Melon app?

The advantage of using Melon app to broadcast to Instagram is that this tool has its own production studio, to which you can connect from any computer with an internet connection, and send the signal via a customized RTMP to Instagram.

In addition to this, Melon app allows you to create your production in vertical 9:16 format, which is the one that Instagram receives. Otherwise, if the production studio was in horizontal, it would only send the signal of the central third of the entire screen.

To have the RTMP option, you have to contract one of Melon's paid plans, since with the free version you will only be able to broadcast to social networks with its open API.

How to broadcast to Instagram from Melon app?

In order to broadcast from Melon app to Instagram you will need to create a new destination, via custom RTMP ceach time you have to start a new emission.

To create this destination, Melon app will ask you for some data from the Instagram server that, logically, you don't know: RTMP Server and RTMP Key.

To get that data, you will need an additional program that can connect to your Instagram account and get it.

How to get data from the Instagram server?

There are several options that allow you to get the URL and key from the Instagram server, but in this video I explain how to do it with Streamon.

This is a free, open source application. There will be no cost for you to broadcast to Instagram from Melon. However, the difference between this tool and others out there is that you don't have the possibility to preview what is being broadcast to the social network.

Remember that from your Instagram account you do not have the option to see your own live feeds, neither from your mobile nor from your PC; you would have to log in with a different account.

How to view Instagram messages during a live feed?

For this same reason, since you are not doing the live broadcast from your own cell phone, you would have no way of reading the messages that your viewers are typing in the chat.

However, you will be able to read all messages and even write your own, and set the message you want, from the Streamon application itself, as I explain in the video.

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