StreamYard Question Roulette

Use this question wheel in StreamYard to keep the attention of your guest and viewers.

StreamYard Question Roulette

Juanma Aranda

No more boring and monotonous interviews with your guests when you broadcast live on StreamYard!

Interview guests on StreamYard

One of the most attractive features of StreamYard is the possibility to bring guests to your show in a very simple way.

To do so, all you have to do is share the invitation link of the show you want him to participate in.

Your guest only has to copy that link into a web browser, activate their camera and microphone.

All that remains is for you to add it to the live stream and enjoy the streaming.

How to make original interviews in StreamYard?

If you normally interview your guests, you may end up asking the same questions every time. This will make your followers lose interest in your program because the development of the program is very predictable.

This is why you should look for ways to do original, entertaining, fun and different interviews, as much as possible.

A good way to achieve this is to use a question roulette, which randomly chooses a question from a repertoire that you have prepared.

This will generate expectation in both your guest and your audience, as they do not know what question the guest will answer at any given moment.

How to create a question roulette?

To create a question roulette in StreamYard, I propose you to use this free online tool, called Wheelofnames.

When you enter the application, you will see an example roulette on the screen. All you have to do is replace the example names with the questions you want to ask.

In addition to this, you also have the option to fully customize the appearance of the roulette: colors, sounds, time you want it to be spinning, logo.

Check out the video to learn how to customize all aspects and adapt it to your brand's corporate colors.

How to add roulette to StreamYard?

To display your roulette wheel in StreamYard and spin it when asking your guests questions, all you have to do is share the window (or tab) in which you have it open.

Remember that in order for the sound to be heard while rotating and when choosing the question, you must check the box to share the sound of the tab as well.

How to use the roulette wheel during the interview?

Try to make the interview as entertaining as possible, so that it captures the viewers' attention and makes them attentive to the answers.

Ideally, you should interchange specific questions for the guest, as they arise during the conversation, with the roulette questions.

The roulette should contain generic questions that you can ask all the guests, so avoid personal or specific questions.

You should also avoid questions related to politics or religious beliefs (unless your program deals with these topics in particular) as these types of opinions will create a lot of conflict and there will always be people for and against each opinion.

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