Multi-camera in StreamYard NEW!

You can now use multi-camera in StreamYard and send the signal from two cameras simultaneously.

Multi-camera in StreamYard NEW!

Juanma Aranda

Multi-camera in StreamYard (for hosts) is one of the latest updates to the platform, only available in Professional and Enterprise plans.

What is multi-camera in StreamYard?

Multi-camera is the ability to use up to 2 cameras in a stream: your main camera and an additional camera.

This option is only available to the host, not to hosts, and is also not available in the StreamYard Basic Plan.

What is the multi-camera for?

Using multiple cameras in a live show can be very useful in some types of shows, such as a cooking show, an unboxing show, a podcast... or simply when you want to have two shots of the same person.

Having two active cameras allows you to share them in the same shot or to alternate them by exchanging StreamYard layouts.

How to activate the additional camera?

To activate the second camera in StreamYard, simply locate the "Share > Additional Camera" option in the bottom menu and choose your camera from the drop-down menu in the floating window.

In addition, you must also select the resolution at which you want to send the camera signal.

Things to keep in mind

Although the multi-camera activation process in StreamYard is really simple, there are a couple of things to keep in mind:

  • The cameras you want to use in StreamYard cannot be in use by other programs.
  • The host audio is associated with the main camera.
  • The additional camera does not pick up audio.
  • If you take the host's main camera out of live, its sound will no longer be heard.

Best webcam for streaming

Although the best option would be to use a digital single-lens reflex camera (digital SLR or DSLR), it is true that they require a considerable investment (both in the body and in the lens).

But while you are ready to make that leap in quality in your streaming, you can opt for one of these webcams, which will allow you to offer a good image at a much more affordable price.

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