Sharing slides in StreamYard

Learn how to share slides in StreamYard to support your presentation or that of your guests.

Sharing slides in StreamYard

Juanma Aranda

If you or your guests usually use presentations to support your presentations, you can now share slides in StreamYard directly from the Studio.

How to make presentations for StreamYard?

If you use StreamYard to broadcast online events with several guests, or if you like to rely on a presentation when you have to communicate something to your audience, the best way to do it is with a slideshow.

There are several tools that allow you to create this type of presentations, although the best known are:

  • Power Point
  • Google Slides
  • Canva
  • Keynote

Canva has a multitude of templates that you can customize to create your presentation, but there are also other sites where you can find templates for Google Slides and Power Point, as is the case of SlidesGo.

How to share presentations in StreamYard?

StreamYard has a screen sharing feature in its production studio, but in order for you to manage it well, you would need to have two monitors (one exclusively to play your presentation in full screen and another one to manage the StreamYard studio).

However, there are other alternatives that you can use when you only have 1 monitor.

Share Power Point or KeyNote presentations

To share a PowerPoint or KeyNote presentation on StreamYard, you have to download the file in PDF format and share it directly to the StreamYard studio.

To do this, in the bottom menu of StreamYard, look for the "Share > Slides > Your computer"and select your file in PDF format.

Share Canva presentations

If you have made your presentation in Canva, just download it in mp4 video format and share your presentation as a separate file, keeping in mind that you must pause the video on each slide. Otherwise, it will play them all in a row, one after the other.

To do this, look in the StreamYard bottom menu for the option "Sharing > Video file"and browse for the file on your computer.

Another option is to download it in PDF format and share it in the same way as explained above.

Share Google Slides presentations

In the case of Google Slides you will have it a little easier, since StreamYard integrates with this application and can load it directly from your user account.

To do this, look for the option "-" in the lower menu.Share > Slides > Google Slides"and select your presentation.

Remember that, when prompted, you will need to log in with your Google account, so that StreamYard can access your presentations.

Actually, what this method does is to get a copy of your original presentation at that moment. So if you modify the presentation in Google Slides later, you will have to reload it in StreamYard, with a different name, to reload it with the changes.

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